In his dream Dr. Kennedy Marshal is
brandishing a dildo like a drill sergeant at boot camp pointing the rubbery tip
into an overhead screen, where a picture of Patrick “The Great” McReynolds
resides. On the screen Patrick sees himself mounted on the wall at CLS, in the
main corridors, apple lodged between his gaping lips, flanked by the
decapitated mascot visages of the St. Anne’s Almighty Aardvarks and the rather
listless Redeemer Coupons.
“This is Your Life.” Dr. Kennedy
Marshal wispy voiceover states as she slaps the dildo into the boar’s head. In
the dream Patrick can see the back of his head seated in the classroom staring
at the screen, but he can also feel his ire growing slightly agitated with Dr.
Kennedy Marshal all the while gagging on the sickly-sour film of the apple, wedged
into his mouth on the overhead screen. It is almost as if Patrick is three
places at once, an image which inevitably spawns sacrilegious comparisons, only
Patrick, being deep down a person who holds a sort of awe and deference towards
the cosmological plurality briskly annotated in the margins of the
intergalactic script as well as towards his ideology of a deity, crosses himself
both in his sleep and in the classroom as Dr. Kennedy Marshal clears her throat
and continues.
“The art of Guillotining rivaling
mascots was first instituted by Coach M, after a lengthy post-season
celebratory sabbatical when Coach M treated then Standout Student teacher
Jaclyn Frances to a two week tour of the Rouen Valley while his wife, Mrs. Looney
aka The Coaches Widow, aimlessly fanned away at her long-drawn PhD exegesis
comparing the poetic influence of Elizabeth Barrett Browning on the impact the
rather frustrating sex-lives of middle age English teachers co-existing in
Suburbia today.”

“So intrigued by the fine art of
French execution, Coach M arranged to have his own cherry-oak Guillotine
clandestinely furnished by Le Priory De Zion in a secret alcove at Versailles
and illegally shipped into domestic shores in oversized embargo crates with the
words RENAULT scrawled on the cover.”
Another itchy bleep. Dr. Kennedy
Marshal also appears to be using the dildo as a remote to flick the images on
the screen. On screen now is a picture of Coach M wearing pantyhose and a
military coat, posing a la Napoleon Bonaparte, only his hand is fashionably
inserted into the paleness of his crotch. Dr. Kennedy Marshal continues to
grunt, spitting out what looks like coffee grinds into a CRISCO can located
near her feet. Patrick can still make out the back of his head in the desk, as
well as the front of his head located into the bulls-eye vector of the Boars head.
In the miniature window shaped kind of like a grandfather clock directly to the dream left of the screen Patrick can see the gilded avenues
of Central Plank north, near the narthex. From down the Hall he can make out
the outline of the Varsity Elite slowly
beginning to swirl around Marcellus Buck located in the center. The bodies of
Eric, Javon, Aron and Mario swiftly orbit around Marcellus like leaves swirling
in a late autumnal gale.
Patrick says, still squinting out the window, padding his side pocket, reaching
for what he believes is a cigarette he filched from Helen’s pocketbook earlier
in the day, when she was admonishing Allan for parachuting cherry bombs onto
the trampoline landscape of the Garcia clan’s backyard.
“Ough!” Dr.
Kennedy Marshal gasps, as Patrick absentmindedly flicks his Zippo inches in
front of his lips. Dr. Kennedy Marshal quickly yanks the cigarette from
Patrick’s mouth.
this period does not present the apposite timeframe for you to exercise your
budding homosexual proclivities. Conducting such an overt display of your
interior oral fantasies will only result in doubling our weekly counseling
From out of Patrick’s mouth Dr.
Kennedy Marshal’s dildo appears. Patrick yaks, twice, while Dr. Kennedy Marshal
wavers the dildo in front of her face before reaching for a bottle of
The screen emits another distinctive
Ever since
Patrick was in fifth grade Dr. Kennedy Marshal has done nothing short of
insinuating that he Patrick A. McReynolds is a hardcore buttfucker. During
Patrick’s first counseling session with Dr. Kennedy Marshal, the varsity elite
each craftily stashed dual pairs of cum-stained tube socks, along with a tube
of chap stick, vials of mineral water and a half-naked centerfold of a leather
hat Norwegian Figure Skater stranded in mid triple lutz, hard nipples
protruding off the page, an inky Love,
Captain South Pole addressed to Patrick on the bottom of the
After the
chagrin of being ruthlessly taunted by the Varsity elite, Patrick arrived home
to find Papa Bear clutching a letter, sniffing tears while his mother, making a
reference to a distant cousin who was a gymnast, decided to make the best of
what Warren deemed a “fucking irreparable situation” and decided to take Patrick
out for a facial and total love make-over while Allan performed a sniggering
jig in the corner, saying goodbye to his only male sibling by limping his wrist
in a mocking hi-pitched monotone.
The next day at recess a very defoliated
skinned, prim nailed and gelled-hair Patrick was in the process of getting his
newly acquired pink-stripped Polo shirt doused in a bucket of lube when Lynnford
Collins, stood in front of Patrick, his arms splayed and dictated with frilled
limbs that if “any one was going to get baptized right here and now, then
sugah, be prepared to dive in and say hallelujah” before placing lithe wrists
around Bowman’s neck and making some serious lip contact, boasting to Bev Pinesol,
over Chicken and Noodles, that he even got tongue.
Patrick continues to squint at the out the clock shaped window. He sees the
Varsity Elite strutting as one gigantic amoebic blob; each one bouncing a
basketball all too reminiscent of the shape of his own decapitated head. From
his dream angle it appears that whatever the blob traipses across it literally
effaces altogether. As Patrick squints into the window in his dreams he sees
the blob consuming the refulgent hallways of CLS. Streams of trophies, plaques,
even the stain glass IN THE BEGINNING altar become vacant sheaths of white with
every dribble the Varsity Elite sets forth.
Marshal.” The seated Patrick says, in his dream, pointing towards the
window on the door.
“I hate to
be the one to tell you this, but from the looks of things it appears that the
Varsity Elite are literally wiping out everything. I mean, it looks like fresh
snow outside.”
Dr. Kennedy Marshal ignores Patrick’s observation, spits out
a mouth full of masticated coffee grinds and taps the top of the dildo. A proud
picture of Coach M guillotining the head off of the South Eastern Wyoming
Whippoorwills flicks above Patrick head. Coach M appears to be holding the head
of the severed mascot in his hand like he is coddling his firstborn five
minutes after delivery. Patrick makes a
crude analogy, comparing the severed head of the Whippoorwill to that of
Yorrick. Doctor Kennedy Marshal completely ignores him.
“With the
genesis of the guillotine, Christian Logos Seminary ushered in an integral
phase in their global quest for total grade school domination.” Another tap.
Another bleep. A picture of Coach M totally naked, sporting a beret and holding
a miniature replica of the tour Eiffel over his unit as a gag pops onto the
screen. Patrick laughs. Dr. Kennedy Marshal looks appalled, mumbles something
under her breath about how French dykes never fucking shave their monkey bush
before tapping the tip of the dildo. The screen transitions into the gymnasium
mural. A picture of a very Afro-headed Jesus dressed in a Christian Logos
standard Versace warm up, a bible clenched under the pit of his arms. The
planet, swiveling like a planetary basketball, perched on top of the tip of his
outstretched finger.
pushes his desk forward. On the bottom portion of the screen, Patrick can see
the Boar head emblem of himself. As if animated, the boar head briskly inhales,
spits out the apple like a comet. A flaming Marlboro quickly becomes placed
between his lips. There is more commotion outside. The Varsity Elite now
appear to be a gluttonous mass, effacing every vector of the school their
appendages sway across.
Patrick continues to squint. He can
see David Hale holding Mrs. Looney’s reusable Styrofoam coffee cup in one hand
and twirling a pair of what appears to be Cabbages tye-dyed panties in the
other, lolling near the Faculty Lounge. The moment he sees the swirl of
athletes, Hale drops the sallow coffee cup, wedges the panties between his lips
and, in his own vernacular, hauls some serious ass.
“Dr. Kennedy Marshal. Listen.
Something’s going on out there. For whatever reason you have to let me out.
It’s like the entire school is one gigantic blackboard and the Varsity Elite is
an eraser and they are all too readily effacing everything this school has ever
stood for.”
The miniature chain-smoking emblem
of Patrick in the bottom of the screen nods his head and looks at Patrick as if
to say, “you have a point.”
Dr. Kennedy-Marshal ignores Patrick’s
plea while continuing to spit into the CRISCO can. She holds up the rubbery
dildo and looks at it like she can’t believe why any discrete member of her
gender would ever want to have ‘that’ inside of them.
can see further down the hall. Nearly all the trophy cases have been gulped.
The blob of athletes oscillates furiously into the Newly Refurbished gymnasium,
splintering havoc into the row of bleachers. Bev Pinesol is running out of the
side door, clenching a rolling pin in one hand, offering her daughter as a
sacrifice, claiming that if secondary virginity is good enough for the
Baptists, than surely it is good enough for self-containing vortex like
yourselves. Misses Looney is now hovering across the linoleum floor, a copy of
the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning held into her bosom like a hymnal. The
vortex continues to oscillate and swerve. Just as Misses Looney is bending
down, retrieving the jaundice coating her dual-decade old chalice, the vortex
sweeps over her, devouring her entire frame in a smudged blur of bristles and
Patrick says, both inside the classroom and on the overhead, the cigarette
descending from his animated lips.
Somehow Patrick can visualize the scene in the SkyBox. He
sees Vincent the Yak and Reverend Morningwood wearing a blindfolds bent over a
conference table in hard right angles, their trousers manacled around their
respective ankles, as Lillian Wiltz dressed in a skimpy French maid outfit,
flagellating both of them with something that looks to Patrick like a mop with
trussed leather strands. Coach M stands like a flagpole, his reflection
spotless in the streak free tint of the Sky Box window. He appears to be
fidgeting with a remote control of some sort, sniggering, a glint of what
Patrick can only intuit as unalloyed evil stitched into the curves of his
“Fuck me
with an Irish ‘tater and forget ye not the sour cream.” Patrick says, before
squinting out the window, explaining quickly to a for-some reason bobble headed
Dr. Kennedy Marshal, that he was talking figuratively—not trying to negotiate.
With the
exception of the classroom and the hallway near Faculty Lounge and Goodtimes
Billiards, the entire coating of CLS is slated white. Patrick can hear screams.
He sees a handful of kindergartners huddling together near the faculty lounge. He
sees an acne-riddled headgear crowned Jebediah Noelle running down the corridor
all elbows and kneecaps, yelping out Patrick’s name, Eric and Mario quick on
the heels of his pro-wings. He sees Iola
Clitty slowly lifting up the frayed edges of her second hand 1970’s CLS
cheerleading skirt hoisting it near her navel offering umbrella-like shelter to
a clingy Buster and Shithead. He sees Judith, her hair braided in a very
becoming Princes Leah dual bagels above her ears, talking into her palm and
then being rescued by helicopter, driven by Hale and one armed Salv giving a
thumbs up and for some reason Peruvian Victor.
“That’s it—Guillotine guffaw hour
is over. My ass is out of here so if you please.”
Dr. Kennedy Marshal bites into the
tip of the dildo and kicks the overhead in front of the door, thwarting
Patrick’s most convenient exit. Patrick visualizes Coach M in the sky box,
watching the demolition of Kingdom, sporting a laurel leaf tiara and togo and
sawing into a fiddle while everything he has ever created slowly becomes a
blank sheath of existential nothingness while inside the locked classroom Dr.
Kennedy Marshal begins to prick her fingers underneath her navel while wispy
s’s of steam begin to rise from the Crisco can located near her immediate left
boot. The Boarhead image of Patrick is now projecting directly over the
grandfather clock shaped classroom window, a yelping look of shock etched into
its transparent face. Patrick can see the swift motion of the Varsity Vacuum
sucking up Linoleum tiles from underneath Allan’s feet. He sees his sister
Sarah pointing her crooked elbow at the ceiling, wondering aloud why all the
different variations of stain glass is being replaced with the light breeze of
absolute nothingness. There is a scream. Somewhere near the far end of the
school he sees Hyacinth tucking her head between VonB’s shoulder and neck,
imploring the vortex to stop while Von Behren is trying to comfort Hyacinth,
telling her things that Patrick wishes he could tell her. Von Behren is holding
Hyacinth the way Patrick wishes he could hold her, feeling the humidity of her
plosive breath bite into his neck as the lids in Hyacinth’s face screech out in
horror at the swift blob so readily approaching and she screams out the word no
before being shocked into silence, a pasty white apparition of his beloved
hovering into the pervasive film of whiteness as the sweeping tentacles of the
Varsity blob slice through Von B.
“No!!!!!” Both Patrick and his
Boarhead twin are panting heavily, sweating, thinking about the Armageddon outside the classroom, momentarily unaware
that Doctor Kennedy Marshal has removed both of her boots by readily prancing
on the heel of the opposite boot, before kicking the doffed apparel in the
direction of Patrick.
“What?” Patrick can hear the
searing blitz of the Varsity elite grinding closer to the closed door. He can
make out the concept of absolute nothingness behind his boars head caricature.
D. Kennedy Marshall criss-crosses both of her hands near her waist, reels up
her blouse in a crisp motion before lowering her slacks down past the caps of
her knees.
“Can you hear it, Patrick?” Dr.
Kennedy Marshal alludes to the grinding mechanical sneer outside the door as
she kicks out of her pants. Behind the Transparent Boars head Patrick can make
out an apparition of Hyacinth pleading for help.
“You need to understand that
sometimes, Patrick, as a poet I’m sure once said, the only way out is through.”
Dr. Kennedy Marshal’s brassiere
slops listlessly near the can of steaming Crisco. Ditching her thumbs into the
elastic waistband of her panties before stepping out of them completely.
Patrick can see woodchips from the door beginning to chip in spiky darts as the
Varsity Elite swirl ever closer to Patrick’s location.
“Patrick, the only thing you have
to do is to go through.” Dr. Kennedy Marshal says, sitting atop the overhead
lifting her legs up past her face and spreading them into a perfect V.
With oval lips that hint of pending
illness Patrick observes the nauseating swirl of auburn prominently nestled
between the extremely bony pyramid of her hips. Her bush looks like the rusty
tin-orange flare of the nuclear woods in mid-autumn. Patrick ignores Dr.
Kennedy Marshal’s request that he immediately fuck her the way no homosexual
man has ever fucked her. He ignores the sight of his transparent Boar head
doppelganger running off the perimeter before an oscillating Marcellus Buck in
Co menacingly thrash the door leading–to-blankness into wooden needles. He
ignores all this and squints deeply into the center of Dr. Kennedy Marshall,
thinking only of the tunnel located in lower Bradley Park and of what he must
do to finally arrive at that place in time.
pgs #269-273 in text....