Annual Autumn streak and Good times Gala usually paves the way into the week of
festivities known as the Nut Creek Plum Harvest festival which every four years
will fall exactly on opening Day colliding with Halloween, which is always
a buffet of bacchanalian delights in which the student body is exempt from
classes even more so than seems academically acceptable, even the Losers, for
the most part, are allowed to dress up and skip out on Sarge’s mandatory
marathon of morning sweat and Miss Wiltz Euclid for Eunuchs’ and mingle in the
cafeteria, devouring Hey good Looking-what-ya-got-cookin? Marilyn’s
jack-o-lantern-faced cookie and award winning silver-lining suicide cider and fudge
shaped like something extremely obvious which every year all the students seem
to avoid making the all too apt analogy and which every year Patrick points out
and gets sent to either Coaches M or Doctor Kennedy Marshal’s office where she
keeps slapping her hands to the cap of her knees positing that the reason
Patrick thinks those things is simply because of his propensity for everything hard-core anal-coming-out -the back closet-door proclivities.
There is still three minutes to go between classes.

That was a year ago and with Halloween and with the incipience of a new season looming Patrick is not exactly sure what he will dress up as this year. Still waiting, his eyes avert to the area near the baptismal fount Hale claims he has seen reverend Mornigwood use to avail himself early one morning before Matins. This morning the Guillotine mascot-dotted hallway permeates with the peach odor of Meredith-Elise Willow's hookah tobacco. Since installing the hookah pipe into the café Hemlock Shithead has more or less come around and momentarily forgiven Patrick for the Little misunderstanding he had about the Jihad a month or so ago. Patrick got into a little bit of trouble with Meredith-Elise Willow when he suggested that it would behoove the attendance of the Café Hemlock if her and Iola Clitty would strip down to their bra and panties and perform a little hookah-inspired belly dance for the incoming patrons when they arrived early to place their orders. Meredith-Elise then shot Patrick a scowl he could only imagine was the look of death, wondering how Von Behren was able to survive the horrid ramifications of their break up. Down the hall Marcellus Buck is escorted with flanking members of the media covering his recent decision to enter eligibility into this years NBA draft, therefore becoming the first eighth grader to ever forgo both high school and college and play straight with the millionaire big boys. If Patrick thinks back hard enough he can vaguely remember seeing Marcellus Buck in the classroom once, during his first day at CLS in Misses Brackenbitches 5th grade, the day he stumbled in late to class after sleeping in and being told by Coach M to inform his matriarch to please refrain from depositing her sweet-innocent tuition grubbing kids in front of the ever pending Finance for Eternity gymnasium, for insurance purposes and to avoid any possible chance of that eyesore of a vehicle being seen by prospective students whose progenitors have a little more greenbacks in the vault. Coach M then proceeded to give Helen McReynolds rather complicated directions that looked as if they were written in some form of Sanskrit about to where she could park which turned out to be about a block into the Harrison Homes public subsidized housing where part of the houses look like they were constructed out of some form of wet cardboard. Helen naively asked her oldest sweet and innocent son what the snapping sound was in the background and when he smiled, pretended he was smoking a cigar and commented out loud that he just loves the smell of Napalm in the morning, Helen performed a screeching youey through Vice Lords terra ferma and ended up back into the sarcophagus tiled gates of CLS, Coach M storming out again, informing her that if she insists on dropping her offspring off at the Heavenly Gates of this almost Universally respected Academy of Edification and Enlightenment than you can accept an insurance safety premium stapled to your bi-weekly tuition statement. Patrick remembers entering the hallway with Coach M reminding him not to touch the blinding trophy case or any of the stuffed mascot heads adorning the walls. As Patrick entered into Frau Brakkenbitches classroom his earlobes were greeted with the nerve searing shrill of her blow horn blasted so deeply into his auditory edifice that he felt like at first he was at first shot. Patrick was then informed by the German import how truancy would be exterminated in the ubermann Global culture and how Patrick would never have lasted two seconds in the Hitler Youth camps of her day. If Patrick squints the lids of his eyes deeply together into the sockets of his face he can vaguely remember seeing Marcellus Buck in the classroom that first day of fifth grade, Patrick’s first day inside CLS as a whole, Buck, in the back of the classroom, a 6’7 fifth grader whose career would boast more accomplishments by the age of thirty-three than that of the savior in whose name this academy was founded, according to Coach M. Marcellus Buck was stationed in the back of Frau Brakenhardt’s classroom dribbling a basketball whose rubber coating resembled the globe. Patrick takes his seat in the front of the classroom where the Bible placed on the make shifted tilted cross altar vaguely resembled a copy Patrick had once seen of Mien Kampf.
Last Halloween Hale wore a white
housecoat and stethoscope and dressed up like a gynecologist which everyone
thought was cute until Lynford kept accosting him with “personal” inquiries
which later lead Hale into the bathroom, hurling next to an Ostriched Jebediah Noelle who that year, actually came dressed to
school with a cardboard white-spray-painted toilet already fastened over the architecture of his
headgear, a remark which did not auger well with either Mario or Aron. It was Von
Behren’s idea last year to cozen Patrick into dressing up like a working-class bonneted
Lavern and Shirley, which Patrick thought was gay as fuck til he realized they
could guzzle beer all day and count to eight, espousing the working class
dignity of Sclemeel, Schlemazel, and Hasenfeffer incorporated humming out the We’re Gonna Make It
theme song while stomping up and down
acting as if is this world possessed even a modicum of promise and hope
and no one would say a word much less stand in their way. DeJuan and
Buster donned clerical collars and somehow gained instant access into the
Faculty lounge and good times saloon Trinity Titty Bar. Buster telling Dejuan
afterwards before ripping out the overture to Candide that, if this is what is
meant by a vocational spiritual calling then sign him up, brother, claiming
that, while the majority of the Varsity Elite refuse to dress up like anything
but professional basketball players, wearing their warm-ups and pretending to
vocalize into cardboard cell-phones to make-believe agents about exercising
potential free-agenting options on their contracts and marketing four year
deals. The Varsity Elite Cheerleaders, all with the exception of the youngest,
Hyacinth Lionowski, dressed up, according to Buster and Lynford, like the entire annual
corpus of the 1986 Playboy playmates Centerfolds—both replete with bushy hair
and hairy bush and boasting names like Tabitha and Crystal and Tiffany. Dejuan,
shaking his head back and forth and Buster, making the sign of the cross almost
before saying that they should have seen 7th grader Connine Whitman shake it near the
copier machine. Damn! For reason’s that make Coach M
point to his forehead and go duh, both Lynneford and Shithead dress up like a
woman and becoming convenient store clerk respectively. Same with Larry-Lloyd
Baker, with his standard everyday hippie motif. Peruvian Victor will tell you he’s a flamingo and then bawk
even though he is wearing the same outfit he wears every day. Coach M almost
vehemently insists that Lilian Wiltz stay attired in her short mini-skirt devil
costume for the week up to and even after Halloween, through Thanksgiving,
Christmas, and, if possible, even make it a New Years resolution to be more
naughty-girl devilish at all times possible. Sgt Kockout tried to get into the season
last year coming dressed to school sans camouflage and lip cloaked entirely in
pink tutu wielding a glitzy wand with a star on the top of it asking “What?”
when people seemed to take seconds longer look at him. Marcellus Buck has over
and over again informed Coach M that the only damn thing he’s interesting in
dressing up as this Halloween is a motherfucking pimp, dawg.
Patrick could have sworn that,
while he was outside the janitorial closet firing one up, trying to figure out
just how the blinding retina piercing trophy lights of the Narthex can become
completely dark and ghastly dim around this time of year for one day alone a very corduroy
vested, bald headed Dr. Kennedy Marshal and a spectacled faded toupee-toting
Bev Pine walked into the counselors office with rolls of film tucked under the
pits of their arms, pretending to be Siskel and Ebert, jutting out their
marginal thumbs up in front of them and smiling in a wicked-shared secret sort
of way. Coach M dresses up like Adolf
Hitler every Halloween, telling anyone who asks that that’s not a Swastika
stitched into his armband, but an expansion of the cross, and, if they really
wanted to get technical about it, it’s an overhead periphery view of the
school, shaped like a cross once, now, branched out and perennially growing
into eternity, until it will conquer not only Poland and Europe but the also the entire
globe. Coach M then says, oops, he meant to say south side, not Europe.
It was
Meredith-Elise Willow’s idea to dress up this Halloween as the Woman at the
well while Cabbages dressed up as what she referred to as Potifars Wife,
looking more like if Cleopatra posed for playboy, telling Hale to come here
Joseph, she says, during lunch. Iola Clitty, perhaps confused, dressed up like
a puritan seamstress. Judith Goldstein, the new girl has said what the hell,
coming to school in a mini-skirt and knee-high boots with fish net stocking,
claiming that she is a Presbyterian for a day. Time to sin til she can sin no
more, baby.

That was a year ago and with Halloween and with the incipience of a new season looming Patrick is not exactly sure what he will dress up as this year. Still waiting, his eyes avert to the area near the baptismal fount Hale claims he has seen reverend Mornigwood use to avail himself early one morning before Matins. This morning the Guillotine mascot-dotted hallway permeates with the peach odor of Meredith-Elise Willow's hookah tobacco. Since installing the hookah pipe into the café Hemlock Shithead has more or less come around and momentarily forgiven Patrick for the Little misunderstanding he had about the Jihad a month or so ago. Patrick got into a little bit of trouble with Meredith-Elise Willow when he suggested that it would behoove the attendance of the Café Hemlock if her and Iola Clitty would strip down to their bra and panties and perform a little hookah-inspired belly dance for the incoming patrons when they arrived early to place their orders. Meredith-Elise then shot Patrick a scowl he could only imagine was the look of death, wondering how Von Behren was able to survive the horrid ramifications of their break up. Down the hall Marcellus Buck is escorted with flanking members of the media covering his recent decision to enter eligibility into this years NBA draft, therefore becoming the first eighth grader to ever forgo both high school and college and play straight with the millionaire big boys. If Patrick thinks back hard enough he can vaguely remember seeing Marcellus Buck in the classroom once, during his first day at CLS in Misses Brackenbitches 5th grade, the day he stumbled in late to class after sleeping in and being told by Coach M to inform his matriarch to please refrain from depositing her sweet-innocent tuition grubbing kids in front of the ever pending Finance for Eternity gymnasium, for insurance purposes and to avoid any possible chance of that eyesore of a vehicle being seen by prospective students whose progenitors have a little more greenbacks in the vault. Coach M then proceeded to give Helen McReynolds rather complicated directions that looked as if they were written in some form of Sanskrit about to where she could park which turned out to be about a block into the Harrison Homes public subsidized housing where part of the houses look like they were constructed out of some form of wet cardboard. Helen naively asked her oldest sweet and innocent son what the snapping sound was in the background and when he smiled, pretended he was smoking a cigar and commented out loud that he just loves the smell of Napalm in the morning, Helen performed a screeching youey through Vice Lords terra ferma and ended up back into the sarcophagus tiled gates of CLS, Coach M storming out again, informing her that if she insists on dropping her offspring off at the Heavenly Gates of this almost Universally respected Academy of Edification and Enlightenment than you can accept an insurance safety premium stapled to your bi-weekly tuition statement. Patrick remembers entering the hallway with Coach M reminding him not to touch the blinding trophy case or any of the stuffed mascot heads adorning the walls. As Patrick entered into Frau Brakkenbitches classroom his earlobes were greeted with the nerve searing shrill of her blow horn blasted so deeply into his auditory edifice that he felt like at first he was at first shot. Patrick was then informed by the German import how truancy would be exterminated in the ubermann Global culture and how Patrick would never have lasted two seconds in the Hitler Youth camps of her day. If Patrick squints the lids of his eyes deeply together into the sockets of his face he can vaguely remember seeing Marcellus Buck in the classroom that first day of fifth grade, Patrick’s first day inside CLS as a whole, Buck, in the back of the classroom, a 6’7 fifth grader whose career would boast more accomplishments by the age of thirty-three than that of the savior in whose name this academy was founded, according to Coach M. Marcellus Buck was stationed in the back of Frau Brakenhardt’s classroom dribbling a basketball whose rubber coating resembled the globe. Patrick takes his seat in the front of the classroom where the Bible placed on the make shifted tilted cross altar vaguely resembled a copy Patrick had once seen of Mien Kampf.

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