Wolverine is in the reck-room slash recently
converted coffee lounge of CUMULUS Seven kish-ka-bobing with his adamantium
planks. Maxima (who rumor has it possesses multiple, esoteric telekinetic
sexual powers) is telekinetically supporting a floating cuisine saucer with
spiked flames as Wolverine (or, ‘That’s Chef Wolvie to you-you Jerk-jock
humanoid horses arsewipe’, as he occasionally likes to remind his compadres and
cohorts) raises his claw up near his exemplary wine-tasting olfactory organ,
before retracting his unbreakable scissors into his swollen carpenter knuckles.
Maxima’s face brushes into an onstage postproduction blush as she watches the
balled slabs of meat and grilled vegetables tumble out of near nothingness and
collect into Wolvie’s mouth. Wolverine taps his stomach with an
audible awww, as he comments on the convenient benefits of modern
living. Maxima blushes even more. Using her pointer finger, Maxima makes a question
mark curly-cue with one of her long reddish strands.
“Then what happened?”
“Hold on. Yes. Give me fifteen
minutes. Alright.”
“So anyway, where were we?”
“I believe you and Maxima were
kickin’ it in the reck room.”
“I shall have my character inquire
if Maxima would like to sample another entrée, particular that of a Canadian
meatball sandwich to sate her burgeoning lust for me.”
“Funny I never realized that Canada
was located in the southern hemisphere.”
“Very funny wah-wah-wah. Oh
look, I’m David the almighty and all-powerful GM and I just cannot wait to give
my characters so much shit about the size of their pecker. I mean comeon!!!What’s
a hairy-ass mutant gotta do to get some hardcore ass around here?”
“You can start by plugging a cork
into your hairy-ass lips so that I can continue on with the narrative.”
Wolverine’s shoulder turns left
into Maxima and smiles a gruff sandpaper grin, signaling to her that not only
is his unit composed of the same, unbreakable and for some inexplicable
pre-ordained thank you god reason innately-ribbed substance of his claws but
also that he has the ability to regenerate so that he can go all night and all
day and then some. Before Wolverine became interested in ethics and morality he
once did a short stint of three months (his memory has little recollection of
this-like dispersing cloud imagery) in a Shang-Hi brothel, where he literally
fucked a geisha girl for one hundred and eighty-six hours straight, only to
watch her head go gimp and her eyes roll up into her flailing orgasmic forehead
failing to reopen afterwards. Wolvie likes his girls and he likes his
competition, his wine, his self-served and digestive entrees- that is to say
raw yet wet with a smooth finish folded into it. Maxima has been heavily
involved with Wolvie’s best friend Juggernaut and rumor has it holds atavistic
ties with Sidey, whose origins stems somewhere from the swirly navel of the
Vegan universe. Maxima presses up the volume in Voluptuous and once (when
Speedball and Wolvie and Juggernaut covertly hooked up a secret visual
dissemination into the Female-Androgynous locker quarter) Wolvie remembers
Maxima bitching to Jasmine and Pagoda about Super bra not being quite as super
as it was cracked up to be, before clasping the front hooks and fishing around
her tote bag for stretch-spandex to place over her lower hemisphere. Maxima in
panties looks like an albino sugarcane holding generous double-scooped planets
of vanilla. Maxima continues to blush and inquire girl talk tease improbable
questions that begin with the words Like, so, suppose into the jittering lobes
of Wolverine.
“So like suppose you had this huge
aerial bubble bath which was really a propelling metropolis of a city that was
also a plane, and that so like you were on this huge city-state all alone with
someone you kind of like but still would like to get to know better-like the
attraction at this point is almost purely unabashedly animalistic and sexual
and lust driven, and like suppose you had this technological utopia at your
genitalia’s imminent disposal and you were so-so dating but more like fucking
someone whom you would classify as being just
one stroke handicap of being special and you could DEW IT anywhere in
the whole city, where would you choose to DEWIT.”

“So?” Maxima’s peacock lashes blink
several times in a row as if someone is pulling on a light chord which keeps
going back on. Wolverine can feel his adamantieum hard-on start to take on a
personality of its own. It is like his penis is standing straight up healthy
back style during the gospel reading at Vespers. Shit. Wolverine vacillates by
turning his head and blushing and pelting out queries.
“Uh-uh-uh. Omigod Dave, what do I
“I believe you don’t say anything.
Just let your characters sexual acumen do the talking. You don’t even have to role.”
Wolverine’s sexual acumen has risen
three character levels since last week when Hale made a bet with Patrick that
Wolverine could so too with his Hairy Irish-Canadian tongue floss Maxima’s ass
like a g-string. Wolverine and Juggernaut made a bet-the looser having to
embarrass themselves by performing a rendition of what damn near everyone
residing in Air city labels as OPERA DRAG (due to SideArms proclivity an
insistence of Tosca and the opera lasting eight hours and everyone, with the
exception of Side himself-being bored to fucking tears until Jasmine decided to
take matters personally into her own petite charred hands by soaring out stage
during the flight ride of the Valkyries,
hoisting up the pantaloons and corset of Soaring Valkyrie Winkie #3, revealing
urinary protective undergarments as the burgundy curtain went limp
and fell and SideArms refused for some reason to talk to the team as a whole
for two weeks.
“So Maxima, to answer your very
thought provoking query,”
“Which isn’t, if I may so amend,
the only thing thought provoking?”
“Shut up Dave, Wolverine isn’t
talking to you, he’s talking to Maxima-this is bad enough.”
“Alright sorry.”
“Anyway-I would begin with a rather
intimate tour of the Linen Unit; make sure all the bundles are ...."
“Dude sorry, incoming call. Hold on
a second bro.”
“Alright. Yeah.”
“Hey-how’s it going?”
“Whew-who, my dear friend Mister
VonBehren, how is life with you here today on this rather fine day?”
“Going all good, holms-just got
P-man on the other line right now.”
“Whenever you say P-man I think of
a super capped hero with an upside down triangle and a giant P in the center of
his chest, boasting to his fellow Justice leaguers about the substantial
hang-time of his juicing abilities.”
VonBehren is quiet. Hale continues.
“It’s the Pee man, da-duh-duh-duuuuuum!” Hale trumpets before making twinkling
noises in the phone. VonBehren begins to laugh, remembers Patrick on the other
line and rejoins the conversation.
“What is it that Patrick always
says, coffee drinkers have elongated bladders.”
“Yuck. Coffee. Who would ever drink
coffee? A crisp, cool refreshing Mountain Dew is all I ever need to get me
through the day.” Hale adds, with a prominent belch.
“And a little Doctor Pepper for
those late night dice clacking endeavors?”
“Anyway, the reason I was calling
is because I was wondering if our plan was still-how shall I say it my dear
friend?-intact.” Whether he has been formally introduced to the individual or
not, Hale, the heavy hearted almond eyed B.F.G.always refers to human beings as
his dear friends. Almost always. This is inclusive of Mailmen, hygiene
deficient salesclerk, green felted Mall Police Mounties, the entire U.S.
population above age sixty especially if the conversation centers around BINGO
halls, craft shows, or the recent happening at the local EAGLES or VFW, Wyld
Side employees and esp. meter readers who also happen to be single mothers.
Hale himself is capable of starting a damn fine conversation of almost about
damn near everything and nothing at the same time.
“What plan?”
“You know, the reason Juggernaut is
out of town this weekend-does Patrick know yet?”
“Know what?”
“Like we haven’t already discussed
this in private on the Monkey bars last Thurs.,
“You know, when Patrick was in
trouble for writing that lewd note to Alicia Donaghue which he claimed was ‘to
the extreme’ personal and which never intended on sending but she somehow
received it anyoleways.”
“Yes, the note where Patrick
invited Alicia over to the new gambling boat so that he could put quarters in
her slot machine and hopefully suck on her whirling cherries all night long.”
“That’s why Patrick is always
panhandling us for spare change”
“No, it was only a note. A story.
More like a journal entry type of thingy, you know.”
“Oh yeah-is he still in trouble for
“Apparently his death sentenced has
been, how shall we say it, emotionally mitigated since-after his three
thousands, sentences in which he had to chalk out GOD DOES NOT FULLY APPRECIATE
THOUGHT, WORD OR DEED heavily chalking the sentences out using what Mr. Mooney
called a scientific mixture of Greek and ancient Hebrew hieroglyphics he
diluted himself, Mr. Mooney scolded Patrick, telling him that if he would have
memorized, as he was supposed to in the first place, Luther’s Small Catechism,
and maybe learned how to shoot from the arch, Patrick would have vividly
recalled the later portion of the prayers which says something to the extent of
trying to get some from a Varsity cheerleader is certainly something which he
should have left undone right from the very outset of his endeavor.”
“Well, anyway. Patrick was trying
to chisel out these chalk emblems on the board when Mistress Marilyn walks in.”
“You know—Marilyn who feeds you
seconds, thirds and sixteenth helpings of tatter tots everyday.”
“AwyeeeeeeaaaaaaaaH.” VonBehren
nods into the side of the phone when saying o and then affirming it.
“Well anyway Marilyn comes, sees
Patrick and then kinda smiles her gingerbread glisten dimple homecookin’
sweetheart smile to herself upon seeing Patrick. Now Patrick, knowing that
Coach M is a self-confessed hornball himself, gleans this as an amble
opportunity to wedge himself out of the peanut butter and shitsandwhich coach
M. is trying to make him with.”
“So what does he do?”
“He simply looks at Marilyn and
suggests a few, how shall we say it, slight changes to the Lunch menu.”
“Which were?”
“We’ll, he tells Marilyn that for
Lunch tomorrow he would like nothing more, nothing less than rubber balls and
liqueur. To which Mr. Mooney, looking at some kind of map stabled out of what
is obviously a periodical in a VBS book cover states that he considers himself somewhat of a single-malt whisky dilettante
himself and prefers only the finest whiskeys. Basin and Jefferson’s reserve
come first to mind, and come to think about it, aren’t you a little young to be
sniffing around in the Faculty liqueur cabinet young man. Patrick informs Mr.
Mooney that only once, when he was helping put away folding chairs (in their
place you know, the long scary catacombs underneath the west end of the stage,
where all the folding chairs are kept) did he tumble upon a secret door bolted
closed which smelled like long thick rugs of cigar smoke and Patrick stayed
back there just a little too long (hoping to get the, as he calls it ‘salubrious’ long term affects of second hand
smoke) when he hears Holly Lyons father clicking together glass vessels containing
ice, talking about Marilyn Claussen, and god damn, that ass of hers is so tight
you could use it to screw a Phillips with-to which Mr. Mooney responded to Mr.
Lyons, or at least you can use it just to Screw the hell out of-which of
course, is what I always do.”
“What happened then?”
“Well, Mr. Mooney, still obsessed with his map
foldout and forgetting that Madame Marilyn actually is in the room , says
something along the lines of, yes, I remember vividly that night, that was the
night where I ended up hooking up with so and so from the SMASH –Soccer Moms
Against Sole Husbandry…..and the next thing you know Madame Marilyn is swamping
a Chinese WOK over Coach M.’s temple, claiming that even though she may sauté
meat, she is certainly not a piece of meat to be sautéed if you know what I
mean, my dear friend.”
“So then what happened?”
“We’ll, apparently Patrick worked
something out with both of them-Marilyn agreed not to douse this years Potato
Pancake batter with cyanide if Coach M would agree to halt flirting and
philandering with the married mothers residing
in thee hallways after school.”
“And Patrick’s role in this is?”
“Mr. Mooney told Patrick that he
would look thee other way the next time Patrick cussed out Aron Bowman in the
school lunchroom, but that he would still have to take Aron’s word for it if
tattled upon. Also, Coach M. Suggested a special intervarsity game where the
CLS all-stars would play Veterans of Foreign wars (most of are on Oxygen or in
wheel chairs)-at thee VFW for Memorial Day. Coach M said that he was toying
with the idea of changing the schools name form the Christ Lutheran Comets to
the Christ Lutheran Cavities for this one game-and seeing here that Patrick has
more crowns in his mouth than the damn British monarchy, he was wondering if
Patrick, being such a good sport and all, being such a team player-would arrive
in a specialized double zero jersey and kind of warm up the crowd by pretending
to shoot free throws with customized Lawrence Welk basketballs and (inadvertently)
hitting thee VFW’s seventyish something coach, who Mr. Mooney claimed was both
devious and Evangelical.”
“Anyway, my dear friend, now that
you have been sufficiently updated on thee status quo of our dear friend, might
I allow you to return me the favor by reassuring me that OUR plan to sexually
quash Patrick’s feeble emotional acumen is indeed intact.”
“So are you telling me that he
doesn’t suspect a thing?”
“NO, he doesn’t know yet.”
“He-he. This should be so funny.
Wait til' he finds out.”
“Shit Dave, hold on, he must have
hung up and then peddled back in. Hold on.”
“I’m waiting.”
“Uh, yeah— Sir, I believed you left
me hangin’.”
“With that adamantium skeletal
frame of yours I don’t believe anything should be hanging. Believe it or not
Hale himself is on the other line.”
“Hale doesn’t know anything about
this yet does he?”
“Know what?”
“That I’m fucking his fiancé while
he’s out of town.”
“Know what?”
“That I’m about ready to drill more
holes in Maxima than a firing range.”
“Relax, he doesn’t know a thing. I
have a simultaneous single hero catharsis involving Hale coming to terms with
his long lost genealogy. It’ll really piss him off when his character discerns
that this long lost twin brother of his is a cross-over form Flanagan’s
“What!!!! Why do all the good
adventures always happen to him?” Patrick comments into the shell of the phone
in a querulous semi-nasal drawl.
“Excuse me, who is fucking Maxima right
“And who, dare I remind you my dear
friend, was the sole Hero and intergalactic avatar of our all out role playing
war last weekend?”
“Ok, ok-I can’t bitch too much.”
“You keep confusing me with the GM
down the street.”
“Alright, you can please shut up
now and continue.”
“And who, dare I say, has the
highest intellectual acuity of any Marvel-DC character crossover with the
exception of SideArms.”
“Dave, I said I’m sorry now plug
it! Back to Wolverine’s sexual esca-“
“Hold on a second. Hale must have
dialed back in. Hold on.”
“Whew-hoo-does he know yet?”
“Know-he hasn’t the foggiest.”
“Well, while myself and my fair,
God Damn oh so voluptuous red haired fiancé are attending the Surrogate Human
Initiative Conference, I think I shall
purchase a decoy of Dakota North as well-you know-for the Old Iron
Horse-you know what they say, Dave,”
“No. What?”
“Just because the old horse is made
out of Iron doesn’t mean that can keep the old horse from ever climbing out of
the corral. Whew-hoo.”
“Very funny Dave.”
“Hey, Dave, do me a favor, it will
be funny. Click over to thee other line
real quick and tell Patrick what I just told you, only tell him that my
character said it when he was at a conference.”
For some inexplicable reason Hale pronounces
the word ‘the’ in a very King James sort of way.
“Go on, tell him. It will be fun.”
“Alright, hold on.”
“Bout time.”
“Patrick chill.”
“NO, you chill, in my sole thirteen
years of life on this putrid planet this is the absolute closest I’ve ever been
to achieving anything that even closely resembles the configuration of a coitus
and all you can do is to click over to the other line and spoon-feed Hale’s
nuthouse with grim details about his tattered past!”
“Dude, literally, I’m sorry. This
whole cuckolding Hale with Maxima just makes me so Horny that I keep forgetting
which instrument is in which hand if you know what I mean.”
“Literally, I nearly sprayed my
paints thinking about globs of Red Hair and her svelte skin pressed up against
mine like a removable yet steadfast bookend.”
“Patrick—dude man, listen. Before
you go through with this you have to realize one thing: Maxima is not a real
creature. If anything she’s contrived out of outlines, ink plops and white
bubbles. I excerpted her from a Superman Comic last February purely because I
felt that Juggernaut needed a little bit of loving plus I realized that Hale
always had sort of a thing for redheads with short skirts and tire-sized
knockers. Patrick, listen to me here, all she really is an assimilation of mass
quantities of ink scripted out of an imagination much more creatively adept
than my own.”
“What I’m saying is that Maxima is
just a fiction.”
Patrick’s face falls very silent
once again. Another Beep is heard.
VonBehren reiterates his cosmology about fact versus fiction. He tells Patrick that she is nothing more or
less than a seventy-five cents per syndication.
“Not to me she’s not.”
“Hold on, Hale’s probably wanting
to know more about his hazy past.”
“Speaking of which, when is that
long overdue organ of Wolvie episode ‘spose to…”
“Hold on…Hale?”
“E-e, what did he say?”
“Oh, the P-man made a bet.”
“Which is?”
“He thinks that Wolverine can fuck
Maxima’s brains out while simultaneously decimating the act all across the
contiguous US on Cable access (Speedball has been dabbling) and that this will
not only prove that he is the superior Chef Wolvie—'better than Juggernaut is or now and will ever be’ when it
comes to sex but also that, when Juggernaut sees the ad-because his
intelligence is, as Patrick (oops, I mean Wolvie puts it) a few French fries
short of a McDonald Happy meal, will, when viewing the seventy-nine cable
access documentary on the Joys of Mutant-Alien intercourse and infidelity, be
so bemused at the whole situation that Juggernaut will wonder out loud what
Maxima is doing running a campaign for Icelandic Yogurt and distilled
non-lactose dairy products.”
“Or he said something like that to
that extent anyway.”
“Tell him he’s on. He-he-Dave, can
you make the ersatz Maxima’s head tumble over, or give Wolvie’s pecker a
jolting electric shock when he first, he-he, how shall we say it, Plugs her
into thee old socket.”
“Yeah—no problem. Geez, you guys
are vindictive.”
“All I can say is that Patrick
deserves it since his so-called holier-than-thou-approach to-BUUUUURRRRR-“
“Hold on,”
“Just call me back when you are…”
“Jayzus farkin’ Crest-what does a
hairy-assed Canadian minority have to do to get some ass around here?”
“Patrick, don’t you think that’s a
little extreme-you should really quit fucking with your team mates like that.”
“HA! I find it rather humorous.
Juggy always gets the girls. I mean, shit, this is like my one chance to
bolster and better my self-image. After I’ve done the horizontal tango with
Maxima I’ll be a new man.”
“I believe you mean mutant.”
“You make it sound like Wolverine
is going to give up cigars, get a short haircut, and even vote in the primaries
next year.”
“Dave. Listen, ink droppings on
recycled papers or not, you just don’t realize inside how important this is to
me right now. I mean, think about it, not only me, but my mutant
“Spelling bee word, I’ll get back
to later. Anyway, think about it for a moment Mutant and superheroes are, like
us, essentially lonely. When a superhero isn’t using his cape to fly he’s using
it as a blanket to cry in. Do you think anyone wants to date let alone marry a
superhero—the demands. The schedule. I’m a mutant-synonymous with the word
freak. That’s freak. Who wants a freak? Look at Holly and Angie and Karen. Do
you think they want to fuck a freak? They don’t even want to be associated with
freaks in any way, shape or form.”
“Calm down, it’s only a game.”
“No-I won’t calm.... .”
“Hold on a second bro- It’s Hale.
“NO! I won’t calm down until she’s
in my arms and we’ve consummated the deed and the only thing left for us to do
is to chain smoke our post coital cigarette together and romanticize about our
perfect future together. That is the only thing left to do, and all I am
waiting for you to do is just give me the old go ahead. The thumbs up. The
green light. All you have to do is have Maxima say that one word, that one word
I’ve been waiting to hear all my life. Then and only then will I calm the
fuck…..hello? Dave? Hello? Son of a…
...one of the earliest known vectors of the novel (circa '01, like early '01) that made the cut to the final draft...alright kids...we're at page 200 now....a little less than 900 pages less to go...