Saturday, December 14, 2013

Five good minutes (b)...



It is still four minutes until class.Hale is seen taking his sweet-little old time , whistling out a tune sounding vaguely reminiscent of the Old spice theme song, Misses Looney’s jaundice cup o’ java cupped in paw and a post coital smile splattered across the paunchy fabric of his face. Last week it was heavily rumored among the juvenilia imaginative enclave that clamber the yellow rungs of the monkey bars that Hale had porked Cabbages McGranahan in both the Christ is the light of the World nautical Jerusalem light house hole 17 (par three) as well as inside the Dutch windmill hole sixteen, which Apparently Hale got stuck in trying to wedge his way out once Cabbages tugged his shoulder, heavily insinuated that Lilian Wiltz was indeed conducting her daily CHEROKEE RUNNERS senior citizen tours through the 50’s gymnasium. Due to The Varsity Elite season convening earlier that night, the Cherokee Runners tours were pushed ahead one hour. Hale, with his God almighty free eternal hallway pass into the next world heralding Misses Looney’s coffee cup covertly met Cabbages for what would be their ninth clandestine tryst of the day, telling Cabbages McGranahan that he feels like such a World Traveler laying his pipe throughout the neon green of a biblical par-abiding planet, somehow managing to wedge his loveable yet somewhat ample torso through the miniature stain glass tint leading into the interior of the mini-golf rendition of the Dutch windmill. Knock out student-teacher Miss Lilian Wiltz, normally traipses through the stain glass hallway in CLS in a sexy fashion so that her heels resonate a sure-fire clatter minutes before she enters the classroom. Hale and Cabbages going another round of his signature whooo-hooooing, asking Cabbages if he can find the little man in the canoe or, more aptly, pluck the pedals from the lips of the Dutch Tulip, if you know what I mean. As is usually the case with their daily assignations, the actual time of coitus is fast and hard, Hale quoting Raymond Carver’s advice to young writers of getting in and getting out and not lingering, giving both members of the party just enough time for Hale to get a smile on his face and for cabbages McGranahan to get a little smack on her ass. This particular afternoon Hale was taken out of  Misses Brakenhardt’s History of Hieldelberg seminar by Misses Looney and was able to sweep into the 50’s gymnasium where Cabbages McGranahan, having expressed to Hale that her recent fantasy of going mini-golfing with her beau in tow, with her groping the elongated shaft of what Hale refers to as his Ironwood while he successfully achieved a hole in one with every successive stroke of the club. By the time Patty Brushman had accepted the standard fifty dollar admission, passing out specialized goggles as to block the retina damaging gloss of the Trophy case, and leading them down the southern plank of the cross, pointing out the various severed caricatured heads of rival school mascots, before leading them into the 79’s gymnasium where Graham Sheldon gives a brief semi-nerdy introduction regarding the dream, construction and reality of his mobile Universe before flicking an old fire alarm in the gym watching as the lights simultaneously dim and the planets emit s slight humming accompanied by an interstellar glow which always produces a chorus of “owwwwws” and “ahhhhhhhs” from the cardboard lips of the old. After a half-hour intergalactic encore brimming with bravura’s accolades and even (as was Coach M’s idea) a  “tip comet” wearing an offering plate like a derby cap, a picture of a retarded girl in a wheelchair gracing one side of the rock as it sweeps past the chorus of senile and deep-pocketed, Lilian Wiltz clatters her heals and ushers the carriage of old folks into the 50’s gymnasium where each is allowed to play a free round of golf on the worlds premier, largest biblical-centered mini-golf course.


It was millionaire windshield wiper designer Winfred O’Neil’s wife Myrtle who first brought Lillian Wiltz’ attention to a wobbling windmill on hole sixteen, suggesting that by the grunts and moans and incessant whoooo-hooooos, maybe they should call for the good Rev. Morningwood to perform and exorcise as she hoisted up a belly-putter and pro-driver above her face in the fashion of a crucifix. Before the knock out student teacher could divert their attention with by passing out the emergency biblical bingo flare cards Myrtle's husband, sounding very much like he was talking about the ’79 green Porsche he had been refurbishing in their garage out in the Knolls, publicly announced it was nothing more than a technological glitch in this finely crafted Dutch rendition nickelodeon to which he was certain, once the glitch was all ironed out, would emit a pleasant and tear jerking rendition of Edelweiss  and without consulting  Lilian Wiltz knowledge wedged his big custom signatured Iron Cavity Back into the three-foot wide entrance of the Windmill where a post-coital and semi-panicking pantless Hale was calming down Cabbages McGranahan telling her not to worry, it would be alright, my dear friend, that was one hell of a trick you just performed by the way you handled my own magic wand when the next thing pantsless Hale realized was that he spotted the devious overcast silhouette of Mr. O’Neils encroaching shadow and the next thing he saw was that of the Clubhead of Mister O’Neils custom signature Iron Cavity-Back thrusting through the three foot orifice commonly reserved for that of the ball, letting out, what Patrick himself will tell you was one Hale of a yelp, pun intended, Hale, reliving the story on the top yellow arch of the Yellow-Monkey bars, on the summit of the geometrical configuration that has served as the lads refuge and strength the last couple of years, Patrick, giving Hale shit in the fashion in which Tiny Tim Flanagan seems to give all of his friends shit, asking if Mr. O’neil achieved par on that hole before Von Behren finds himself narrating a scene a la Air city where Juggernaut is brandishing what looks like a telephone pole perilously close to the Wolvie’s mutant rear end, saying that if he had a pair of ten sided dice to properly roll and a fenced in sheet to calculate actions, Juggernaut would shove the rough splintered edges of the 30 foot long telephone poll some place up Wolverine’s hairy- as-fuck-ass where the sun does not shine. Patrick laughs to himself, mentally reminiscing over Hale’s misadventure with the Iron Cavity Back (When Buster found out about the Iron cavity back he appeared to call Hale child’s play and inquired if he ever knew how a sousaphone could indelibly chap that neck of the woods, which, when apparently Lynnford lifted his hand and claimed he had some sort of idea big boy, Hale just rolled up the whites of his eyes into his skull and said the words people and please).




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